Panagia Vlahernon
Greek Orthodox Monastery follows the "cenobitic" way of
monastic life, which means "common way of life. " Generally
speaking, all things are common to all and everyone follows the
same daily schedule, under the discretion of the abbot, the head
of the monastery. Meals are eaten together, and the work, rest
periods, and services are conducted according to the monastery’s
Please remember that
this is a Holy Monastery of Our Lord Jesus Christ; that is, a
place of repentance and redemption for those men leading a
monastic life, and for pious pilgrims.
The monastery welcomes
all pilgrims and visitors. Visitng hours are 10am to 3:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. Please note that the monastery is closed on Mondays. Please call before visiting the
monastery and if you would like to have confession or spiritual
counsel, please make an appointment beforehand.
Visitors must be
properly attired to enter the monastery grounds. In general,
clothing should be modest and loose-fitting, and include the
Men are asked
to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
Women are
asked to wear skirts below the knees, long-sleeved shirts, and are
to have their heads covered with a veil or scarf at all times.
(Please: No hats, shear scarves, pants, shorts, pant-skirts,
mini-skirts, sleeveless blouses, short-sleeved shirts, etc.).
Everyone is asked to wear socks. (Especially when
wearing sandals) A limited supply of scarves, skirts, blouses,
pants and shirts are available for use while visiting the
Orthodox Clergy
must wear a cassock (raso) in the Monastery and an outer cassock
(exoraso) in the services.
If you are not
properly attired, please ask one of the fathers.
Around the grounds
Due to the sanctity of
this Holy place we kindly ask that you respect the quiet and
solitude of the Monastery while on the grounds.
anywhere within the Holy grounds is strictly
We kindly ask that
children not roam freely on the Holy grounds, but remain under
parental supervision at all times.
Please do not visit
non-public areas of the grounds without a blessing.
May be taken of the buildings, the grounds and inside the church.
Please ask before taking photographs of any of the monks or
guests. Photographs (including videos) are not allowed during the
services unless you receive a blessing to do so.
All tonsured
monks are addressed as "Father" ("Pater" in Greek). It is
appropriate to ask the blessing of the abbot or priest-monk(s) and
to kiss his right hand. It is not appropriate to do this to the
other monastics.
Non-Orthodox Visitors
are also welcome to attend our services, but according to the
rules of the Orthodox Church, only Orthodox Christians may be
inside the Church during a service. All others are asked to
participate from the side room. If anyone is interested in
attending one of the services please call in advance or speak to
one of the fathers upon arrival.
Holy Communion
is strictly for
those baptized Orthodox Christians who are properly prepared.
***Please Note that, due to construction, our Guesthouse is CLOSED until
further notice***
Hotel accommodations near the monastery may be found in Gainesville and Ocala. Women can stay at the
nearby convent. Please call ahead for arrangements.
The order within the
Monastery for venerating icons, processions to and from the
Trapeza and for receiving Holy Communion is as follows: the Elder
or Abbot first, then ordained clergy, then the monks, nuns, men
and the women. All guests are asked to please follow the order set
up by the Monastery. If you have received Holy Communion, please
do not go up to receive the antidoron ("in place of the gift") at
the end of the Liturgy since you have received the Body and Blood
of our Saviour.
All pilgrims staying
at the monastery are expected to attend all scheduled church
During the services, men stand on the right side in the church and
women on the left. Please note that non-Orthodox must remain in
the side room (normally they would be required to remain in the
Narthex). At the monastery, catechumens, those who are
learning the faith, are dismissed at the appropriate times during
the Services.
Holy Communion is
truly the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and just as it
sanctifies and becomes for those prepared provision for eternal
life, it may very well become “fire burning the unworthy” for
those who are not. We therefore ask of all Orthodox Christians to
prepare with confession and to have permission from
their Spiritual Father before receiving Holy Communion, and
also to prepare with the required fast as established by
the Holy Fathers of the Church.
When the Holy Cup is
brought forth from the Altar for Holy Communion, the veneration of
icons should stop as the Lord is present in front of you in His
Precious Body and Blood. We ask that you do not venerate the icons
in the front of the Church as you proceed up to receive Holy
Communion. Also we ask that you not venerate the icons after
receiving the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord God and Savior
Jesus Christ.
When there is a formal
meal in the Trapeza (dining hall), we ask that you maintain quiet
during the meal as a reading for our spiritual nourishment takes
place. The monastic custom is to wait until the Abbot or Hieromonk
rings a bell for the blessing to drink any water at the meal.
Guests have a blessing to return to the monastery’s Trapeza –
immediately following a formal meal – to eat their unfinished
Thank you for
your understanding.
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