Please note that we close our FRONT GATES from 7pm until 8am (except during regular services).

O Ever-Virgin Theotokos, shelter of mankind,
thou hast bestowed upon thy people a mighty vestment,
even thine immaculate body's raiment and sash,
which by thy seedless childbirth have remained incorrupt;
for in thee nature and time are made new.
Wherefore, we implore thee to grant peace to the world,
and great mercy to our souls.
Apolytikion of the Theotokos, Tone Plagal IV.

 Deposition of the Sacred Robe at Vlahernes, July 2


O Godly shelter that dost cover all mankind,
the sacred robe that covered thy sacred body,
hast thou bestowed on all the faithful graciously,
O pure Virgin, as a robe of divine incorruption.
As we celebrate with love its august deposition,
we cry to thee with fear, O graced of God:
Rejoice, O modest one, boast of the Christian race.

Kontakion  of the Holy  Theotokos, July 2


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